How Limited Service Hotels are Delivering Unlimited Service

Anna Ransom

sales Collaboration

Successfully addressing increasing guest demands with fewer resources

Each and every guest you welcome to your property has the potential to become a loyal visitor. How often they return is directly related to the experience you create through every interaction. As a Limited Service hotel, how can you differentiate your offering and create a memorable experience?

Start by empowering your team with the tools they need. Know that you have fewer resources available than your Full Service counterparts and arm your team with industry leading technology that can ensure they operate at peak efficiency.

In an industry where guest demands are ever increasing, time is of the essence. Multitasking is a necessity. According to CBRE Hotels’ 2017 edition of Trends in the Hotel Industry, labor costs are 50% of operating costs, the largest expense for a hotel.[1] With turnover high and available training time at a minimum, how can you ensure that your team is “up and running” as quickly and as cost effectively as possible without sacrificing the guest experience?

Last fall, we asked 300 hospitality professionals about their top priorities for hotel operations. Not surprisingly, they said focusing on the guest experience, proactively and reactively were of utmost importance.

How Limited Service Hotels Are Delivering Unlimited Service

As a top priority, proactive incident resolution is a key factor in building a favorable guest experience. Removing any source of friction between your staff and the technology they rely on to complete their work before the guest even sees them reduces the need to overcome any objections.

If by chance the guest does encounter an incident during their stay, the best way to manage the situation is by resolving it as quickly as possible, which is why this reactive measure is ranked as the second highest priority.

The third highest priority, and foundational to every hotel is the need to deliver on housekeeping operations as cost effectively as possible.

For more information on how our solution for Limited Service hotels is helping properties effectively manage their group business, customer relationships, and profitability, click here.

Download our study to learn how Limited Service hotels are using technology to increase revenue, reduce costs, and satisfy their customers.


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